Monday, August 1, 2011


So i finally decided to revive this blog. For entirely different reasons than I first started it for. I have been meaning to start writing. Writing about almost anything without paying attention to grammar, spellings or any such nuances and this dormant blog felt like the right place to do it. So why am i doing this?

Eloquence is a gift. Not everyone has it and those who do, may have had to work hard to get to a place where they could use it effectively. I for one do not have it. Or maybe i do, at least it does not come naturally to me. Left unworked, the eloquence muscles in my brain tend to go limp and I stop being able to communicate well. If you have tried to write a paper after a long vacation, many of you will know what i am talking about. The first few pages are hard to write and after that words start flowing.

I do not have to write any paper in near future. However, need for communicating arises many times and unexpectedly and finds me in a place where right words are hard to come by. So i thought i will get in a habit of writing something every few days. There is no target audience. In fact I hope nobody ever reads this blog because i do not mean to say anything. I am going to say what flows through my mind and that may not be worth reading.

So continue at your own peril. You have been warned.